The diagnostic of sterility is based in the following laboratory explorations:
- The test of stimulation with Gn-RH (Gonadoliberine) which accentuates a response of the LH and FSH show us the hypothalamic origin of the sterility.
- The test that explores the aptitude of the spermatozoa to penetrate the cervical slime: in the case the spermatozoa stop at the contact with the cervical slime or combines through their heads or their tales, or in the eventuality when the spermatozoa penetrate the slime but lose very fast their mobility keeping only a move of tremor (shaking phenomenon), these eventualities plead for an autoimmune sterility through anti-spermatozoa antibodies existent at man or woman.
- The testicular biopsy has indications in case of azoospermia followed by normal FSH; when the histological examination of the testicle accentuates a normal structure, this pleads for an azoospermia of excretory nature.
- If the histological examination accentuates testicular lesions, the azoospermia is of secretive nature. The prophylactic treatment of the sterility of secretive origin is the following:
- Resolving in time and correctly the bilateral cryptorchids through hormonal treatment (HCG-Pregnyl) or surgical.
- Avoiding the ionizing irradiations and the exposure to excessive heat, the chronic alcoholism, the psychic stresses.
- The radical cure of the bilateral great varicosities, even though many times post-operatory the sterility persists (the varicose fifteen percent in the general population; sterility four-five percent in the general population).
- The etiological curative treatment of the orchitis, epididimitis, acute and chronic prostatitis
- Balancing the hyperglycemia dependant on insulin.
- The treatment of the endocrinopathies that give sterility or sub-fertility and Viagra pharmacy Canada.
- Avoiding the hormonal and medicinal treatments that cause sterility: estrogens, androgens (exception mesterolon), anti-androgens (cyproteronacet); iatrogenic hyperprolactinemia (fenotiazine, sulphiride, alpha-methyl-DOPA, metoclopramide); cytostatics (vinblastine, bleomicine, cyclophosphamide); derivates of nitrofuran (furazolidone).
- As adjuvant treatment destined to improve the motility of the spermatozoa (their pollinator capacity) is recommended administering kalicreine, mes-terolone, thyroid hormones (T3, T4), arginine, vitamin E. This adjuvant medication is indicated in astenospermias.
- The androgen hormones such as dihidrostosterone or testosterone in slow resorption (Sustanon 250-0rganon or Testolent) have indication especially when the sterility is associated with a low secretion of androgens.
- The bromocriptine is indicated in the sterility followed by lesional hyperprolactinemia or iatrogenic.
- The treatment with miopeptide forte freeze-dried initated by St. M. Milcu and prepared by Venera loan paid very good results in oligoastenospermia.
The treatment of the sterility of excretory origin:
- Epididimo-deferential anastomosis latero-lateral (the Bayle technique): has a tardy efficiency with permeabilization in sixty five percent of the cases
- Microsurgical termino-terminal anastamosis (the Silber technique): faster efficiency (two months) with permeabilization in fifty percent of the cases
- In case of failure it is recommended artificial insemination.